How to Hunt for Affordable WordPress Consultancy Services and Actually Hire One

If you’re struggling with WordPress performance, you should think about hiring WordPress Consultancy Services.

In today’s article, we are going to learn how you can hunt for affordable Consultancy Services for WordPress. You will also learn, how you can find a service’s contact information for a custom plan, and hire them.

The process may seem technical to most of us. However, you can find ideal candidates in minutes.

Introduction to Consultancy Services for WordPress

WordPress Consultancy Services provide expert advice on WordPress management. Such services don’t leave you behind with theoretical assumptions, you can also hire their technical expertise, un-attended, and human-based audits, along with periodic reports on a monthly basis.

Consultancy Services for WordPress offer a wide range of services, including safety, speed optimization, performance, backups, and uptime monitoring.

How to Hunt for WordPress Consultancy Services?

Ways to Hunt for WordPress Consultancy Services

There are three ways to hunt for WordPress Consultancy Services. By running a Local search on Google or a local directory, you can find locally-operating services in areas where your business is operating.

Also, you can find remotely operating Consultancy services for your WordPress website. In this case, Google Operators help you find WordPress consultancy services across the globe. Similarly, online directories for startups and companies include various companies, services, and local businesses, helping you find WordPress services in moments.

In any case possible, you should prepare yourself for possible collaborations, such as giving consultancy services your consent and access to your WordPress website.

Let’s learn how you can find Consultancy services for WordPress.

Local Search on Google

Go to Google and enter a local search query in the search bar, such as ‘wordpress consultant near me‘. The reason why we type in a local search query is to get a list of services that are operating near our current location. Once done correctly, Google will be showing a list of locally-operating services for WordPress consultation and technical support.

Local Search Results
Google Search Results for Local Businesses

As the above screenshot shows, you can quickly find the contact information, services, and website addresses of the listed companies for WordPress consultation.

Similarly, you can re-run the local search with different queries. For example, wordpress consultant in UK will return a new list of locally-operating WordPress services.

Wordpress Consultant In Uk
Local Businesses

Global Search on Google

There is a difference between Local and Global searches on Google. Local Queries help you find consultancy services near you, whereas Global Queries are run across the Internet and help you find remotely-operating services for WordPress consultation.

The nature of queries for a global search on Google is different from local queries. Here, you will need to enter more general, broad, and vast terms that don’t list region-based services.

For example, here is a list of Google search results for the query: wordpress maintenance services.

Word Press Maintenance Services
WordPress Maintenance Services picked by Google

In the same manner, by running a more general search query on Google, such as best WordPress maintenance services, you can find lists of ideal candidates for WordPress consultancy.

Here is the screenshot of Google search results.

Best WordPress Maintenance Services
Google lists the best candidates for WordPress Consultancy Services

Directories that include companies, services, and startups

Websites like LinkedIn, Beta List, and Product Hunt include lists of companies for various industries, services, or topics.

For example, when it comes to finding consultancy services for WordPress, the search and filter options on LinkedIn help you find ideal candidates.

Here is a list of companies listed on LinkedIn, after you have searched for wordpress consultants. In this case, as LinkedIn shows random search results, including profiles, lists, and pages, you will need to set appropriate Filter options to list WordPress-based companies.

Wordpress Consultant Search Linked In
Companies on LinkedIn

In the same manner, you can search for a similar query on Beta List, a directory for technology startups, companies, and local businesses.

Here is a list of companies for WordPress consultation, after you have searched for wordpress support on Beta List.

Wordpress Consultation On Betalist
WordPress Support Services on Beta List

There is another site like Beta List, called Product Hunt, which includes companies and startups like Beta List. The best part about Product Hunt is, that it can list companies by Topic, Niche, or Industry.

Here is the screenshot of companies after you have searched for wordpress maintenance on Product Hunt.

Wordpress Maintenance Search On Product Hunt
WordPress Support Services on Product Hunt

Clicking on a company profile will show more companies related to WordPress consultation and support. This helps you unlock more lists, companies, and ideal candidates for WordPress consultation.

How to Find and Assess Services’ Features?

To this line, you have learned how to find WordPress Consultancy and Support Services on various platforms.

Let’s describe and learn how to find and assess WordPress consultation features when it comes to hiring an ideal candidate for your business.

Needless to say, you should have compiled a list of problems regarding WordPress. Once completed, you can proceed to find companies’ feature lists on their official resources.

Finding a features list, services, or plans on the official resource of a company is a piece of cake. The above examples, in this case, have taught you how to obtain companies with contact information on Google.

However, the case is a little bit different on the official platforms of various services. Once you have landed on a company’s official website, look for pages that say Pricing, Plans, or Services. No doubt, you can find a list of features, plans, or packages for WordPress support and maintenance.

Here, you need to go through factors like price, features, and support characteristics, and decide, if a company best suits your WordPress needs.

Make sure, you have gone through many companies in this manner. You can also shortlist ideal candidates or contact them for more information.

How to Hire Consultancy Services for WordPress?

Hiring Consultation services for WordPress depends on several factors, such as the region where your business is operating.

Official websites of services list a lot of information in one place. However, if you need to reach them out for more information, you will need to have their contact information found and reach them out directly at Email.

Let’s describe and learn how you can find and contact services through professional emails. This routine needs your attention when you are searching for a custom plan for WordPress maintenance.

Finding Contact Information for WordPress services

If you can’t see a custom option for contact on the Pricing table, you need to find the particular company’s contact information.

Head over to its About or Team page and look for authorities’ profiles. Here, let’s suppose you have found a person who is responsible for customer relationships.

Next, you will need to create an account in Voila Norbert, the email-finding tool that works with a name and website address. Once completed, you can proceed to enter the person’s name and website address in Voila Norbert.

Voila Norbert
Voila Norbert

This example shows you how to find an email address with the name and website address. You can repeat this procedure for other companies.

How to Contact Consultancy Services?

In case of contacting a specific service or company, you will need to fill their contact form out in most cases.

This routine doesn’t work always and results in slow communication. Instead, making a contact via Email is more effective.

Once you have found their email address, proceed and use the following email template for making an initial contact.

Hi <name>,

I’m reaching out to see if you are open to discussing custom plans for WordPress consultation services.

I am <your-name>. I’m the owner of <your-company-name>, which specialises in <area of expertise>.

I’d like to know if your company provides WordPress Consultancy Services for companies with <list-your-requirements>.

Please let me know your thoughts.



Note: Make sure you have edited the template before making a contact. The text in brackets shows variable data and you can safely replace them with original values.

Closing Deals

In most cases, signing up for a WordPress Consultancy Service doesn’t require complex routines. However, contacting a company would seem the only option if you need a custom plan for WordPress maintenance.

Closing a deal with WordPress support services also depends on budget, requirements, and region-based limitations. You may also need on-site consultation if you are installing a WordPress-based infrastructure.

Things to Consider when Hiring Consultancy Services for WordPress

Here is a list of factors you need to consider when hiring consultancy services for WordPress.

  • Don’t fall for the low price. In this case, remember the saying “you get what you pay for”.
  • If possible, ask and sign up for a trial period of a service you’re considering. It helps you test things out in real-time before you have signed up for a premium plan.
  • When searching for consultancy services on Google, pay special attention to ones that are ranking at the top. Hence, Google shows the best results at the top, those candidates can perform better as compared to ones with a low trust ratio.
  • WordPress has many areas that fall under its performance. When hiring a service for WordPress management, the ones with keen expertise will perform better for you.
  • Ask, if a company sends weekly notifications and performance reports about clients’ sites. It is mandatory to have your site improved over time.

Last but not least, WordPress management requires a skill-set. Someone or you with basic knowledge of WordPress will only be able to scratch the surface. This is where the need for a WordPress consultancy service comes into play for improved performance.


Consultancy Services that are operating locally are the best candidates for remote and local assistance. If this is something you don’t prefer, Google’s search results for broad terms can help you find ideal candidates.

To this stage, you should have learned how to find and hire consultancy services for WordPress. If you’re still confused and want a quick nudge, check out our WordPress consultation services, including SEO, speed, security, backup, and custom development.

Written By
Founder of WP Helper.
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